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Apple Co-Founder: Only Bitcoin is Pure Digital Gold

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According to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, bitcoin is the only pure digital gold. This is because other 1,500+ tokens serve the company that created them.

Mr. Steve Wozniak shared his thoughts about bitcoin, during an interview with CNBC during the Money20/20 Conference in Amsterdam.

The co-founder has totally bought Mr. Jack Dorsey’s comment about bitcoin being the “single currency” for the internet and the world.

“I buy into what Jack Dorsey says, not that I necessarily believe it’s going to happen, but because I want it to be that way, that is so pure thinking.” – Mr. Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder, Apple

In addition, Mr. Wozniak expressed his fondness for bitcoin as he even compared it to a natural phenomenon that doesn’t require human intervention to work. He also stated that no cryptocurrency can compete with bitcoin as altcoins have to serve the company that created them.

“Only Bitcoin is pure digital gold and I totally buy into that. All the others tend to give up some of the aspects of Bitcoin. For example, being totally decentralized and having no central control. That’s the first one they have to give up to try to have a business model.” – Mr. Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder, Apple

Currently, Mr. Wozniak owns 1 BTC and 2 ETH. He says that he is not an investor but got the tokens to experiment on how they can be used as a means of payment.

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Source: Cointelegraph, Newsbtc