WHO, IBM, Oracle Collaborate for COVID-19 Open Data Hub MiPasa

HACERA, an enterprise blockchain startup developed the MiPasa platform to aid in data analytics for COVID-19. Hacera partnered with IBM, Oracle, along with data from the World Health Organization (WHO) to create the platform, which is on Hyperledger Fabric.
MiPasa integrates data from different sources (for example, data from WHO and the US Center of Disease Control (CDC)) and reconcile them, allowing for data to match with each other and for the public to notice if there are discrepancies. Hacera aims for MiPasa to help health officials in studying the current information and developments happening with regards to the pandemic.
Jonathan Levi, CEO of Hacera said they felt there is a lack of information to make informed decisions and as such, they would like to help people get access to data, analyze it, and provide insights.
Mipasa, on its website, is described as:
…a global-scale control and communication system that enables a swift and more precise early detection of COVID-19 carriers and infection hotspots through seamless and fully private information sharing between individuals, state authorities and health institutions such as hospitals and HMOs, utilizing advanced technological tools and a dedicated user app.
IBM also helped in getting other companies to collaborate, including Microsoft, China’s National Health Commission, among others. The Mipasa website said the project is in collaboration with the following organizations and companies:
- Hacera
- Oracle
- Microsoft
- World Health Organization
- Hong Kong Department of Health
- The Weather Channel
- Government of Canada
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
- John Hopkins University
- National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China (NHC)
- Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Sources: Mipasa, Coindesk, Ledger Insights
This article is published on BitPinas: WHO, IBM, Oracle Collaborate for COVID-19 Open Data Hub MiPasa