Philippine Peso Stablecoin PHPC Liquidity Pools Now Available on Ronin Katana DEX
The liquidity pool for the pair PHPC/PIXEL, WETH, USDC, and SLP are also live.
The liquidity pool for the pair PHPC/PIXEL, WETH, USDC, and SLP are also live.
Tinalakay ni Luis kung maganda bang maging isang Liquidity Provider sa Katana dex ng Axie Infinity.
This is the comprehensive BitPinas Guide for Filipinos to begin earning or farming Ron Tokens in Axie Infinity’s Katana Dex.
This is the comprehensive BitPinas guide to Katana Dex, how to swap AXS, SLP, WETH, USDC, and Ronin without going out of Axie Infinity.
Katana, the Ronin decentralized exchange (DEX) of Sky Mavis, developer of play-to-earn (non fungible token) NFT game Axie Infinity, has currency reached 132k users and a total value locked (TVL) of $1.38B according to DappRadar.