The Gallery of Giving: An Online Auction | Galeria Paloma

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The Gallery of Giving: An Online Auction | Galeria Paloma

The Gallery of Giving: An Online Auction | Galeria Paloma

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This will be a long thread, but that’s because we’d like to tell you of a project we poured our whole heart into: The Gallery of Giving, an online auction to benefit U-Go, a scholarship grant for young women in need as they pursue higher education towards gainful employment.

Backed by research, U-Go’s mission of giving an opportunity to deserving, motivated young women who may not have otherwise had the means not only changes their lives, but their families and communities. It’s not about being at the top of the class, as most grants are geared to do, but rather, the grant is for those women who most need it, for whom an education would be most transformative.

Their tagline is ‘Talent is universal; opportunity is not.’ Truer words were never said. Of course we had to do something, & we were grateful that we could help by doing what we do. So here we are. And we hope you can bid on the unique offerings this auction has, or at least spread the word. Every bid helps a scholar through school, period!

We could not have done this without the generosity of the artists who have rallied beside us in support of this amazing cause: @skyenicolas, @helloluis, @AswangNFT, @ajdimarucot, @motioneer_, @sheilaaledesma, @TitikAtSigya, @radrad, @holybloodnft, @artsofgk, @AriasJopet, @luciusfelimus, @JarrettPinto, #markargarin, #armiecorpuz, @_loopymoon… this list is to give gratitude to the digital artists we’ve met here. Thank you!


Date And Time

2024-03-20 @ 08:00 AM to
2024-04-10 @ 05:00 PM


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