How to Apply for ICP Hub Philippines Community Grants

Check out the application guidelines for ICP Hub’s Community Grants that are now available to Filipino blockchain entrepreneurs.

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Editing and additional information by Michael Mislos.

ICP HUB Philippines (ISLA Camp – ICP HUB PH) recently unveiled its community grants and the process for joining them. These were shared on May 24 during the celebration of its third anniversary.

Community Grants

ICP Hub PH offers grants across various focus areas to support the adoption and development of Internet Computer technology. These grants aim to foster innovation, education, and engagement within the ecosystem. The three main focus areas are Innovator-in-Residence, Education, and Influencers.

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Nelson Lumbres discussing the ICP Hub Philippines Community Grants during the team’s 3rd year anniversary.

The grant amount for all focus areas is $5,000 worth of ICP, with a duration of 2-3 months. According to Nelson Lumbres, co-founder of ISLA Camp, the grant amount is smaller than other grants because they “really have to showcase the Philippines, that we are capable of building and deploying really good projects.”

“It doesn’t have to be especially a project deployed for web3, it can be something that supports web3. It started at $5,000 because it will be a continuation. $5,000 for  2-3 months, then we can go to the next level (that is) much more advanced.”\

Nelson Lumbres, Co-Founder, ICP Hub Philippines

Focus Areas

Innovator-in-Residence (IiR) Focus Area

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ICP Hub Philippines Team

This focus area targets innovators new to the Internet Computer who are eager to pioneer blockchain use cases by transforming their ideas into minimum viable products (MVPs).

Eligible teams must be technically capable of delivering the project and have a clear roadmap and go-to-market strategy, with a launch planned within three months of funding.

The idea should be unique to the ICP ecosystem, with no similar projects existing. Additionally, at least one team member must have completed an ICP certification course and built at least one unique smart contract on ICP.

Education / Devshop Focus Area

Photo for the Article - How to Apply for ICP Hub Philippines Community Grants
Panel Discussion during the ICP Hub Philippines 3rd Anniversary

The ICP community emphasizes education to promote the adoption of its technology. It supports educational initiatives for developers, entrepreneurs, users, and enterprises, including boot camps, incubators, accelerators, and curriculum integrations. 

The course content must thoroughly cover all necessary learning outcomes. Additionally, the instructor or course developer must have at least two years of relevant experience to ensure high-quality instruction and guidance.

Influencer Focus Area

The ICP community also targets social media influencers to promote Internet Computer technology. Eligible influencers should have a substantial reach and engage a large number of unique users. They must align well with the target audience and offer a favorable unit cost/ROI. 

Key eligibility metrics include having at least 100,000 followers across all channels, a minimum reach of 50,000 per post, and an engagement rate of at least 3%. Additionally, the overall sentiment of their content should be positive.

Joining Requirements

Here are the requirements for the ICP Hub Community Grants:

  • A project should present a well-researched or tested idea.
  • Founders should have established identities with a visible social footprint.
  • Applicants must have proven experience with relevant skills and technologies.
  • The application should be detailed and well-defined, with clear and justifiable milestones and price breakdowns.
  • Additionally, the project should have a clear go-to-market strategy and a call to action to acquire its target audience.

Application process 

The process for applying for and receiving an ICP community grant involves several key steps:

Application Review & Approval

  • Application Screening: The Grant Committee conducts an eligibility check, assessing application quality, alignment with grant objectives, KPI fit, and concept viability.
  • Expert/Technical Review: Projects passing screening undergo an in-depth review by a project reviewer. Adjustments may be required based on feedback for clarity and quality.
  • Grant Committee Approval: Final approval is needed from the Grant Committee. Any required changes are communicated through the project reviewer.

KYC/KYB & Disbursal

  • Verification of Details: After approval, applicants verify KYC/KYB details and ICP wallet, along with the final grant proposal and payment milestones.
  • KYC/KYB: Applicants complete KYC/KYB verification for due diligence purposes.
  • Final Approvals: Internal approvals are sought post-KYC/KYB verification.
  • Payment: Tokens are disbursed by the finance team as per the payment cycle.
  • Project Kick-Start: Upon disbursal, applicants are connected with a Grant Manager for project support.

Access ICP Hub Philippines’ Grants Handbook here.

This article is published on BitPinas: How to Apply For ICP Hub Philippines Community Grants


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