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Abra Now Lets You Have BTC and Php Wallets at the Same Time

abra dual wallet

Update: December 13, 2017 – Abra now supports up to 3 wallets at the same time. You can have a Peso Wallet, a Bitcoin Wallet, and an Ether Wallet. Read here if you want to check how to buy ether using Abra.

Bitcoin Wallet Abra announces support for dual wallets. This means your Abra wallet can now hold bitcoins and fiat money simultaneously.

Abra Dual Wallet Support

Bitpinas first learned about this in a tweet by Bill Barhydt, CEO of Abra Global.

abra dual wallet

Abra uses the term “Non-Custodial” to describe that it does not have control over user funds. (They don’t have access to your private keys).


We can confirm this development as we check our working Abra account:

Photo for the Article - Abra Now Lets You Have BTC and Php Wallets at the Same Time
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Below is how your Abra app will look if it has 2 wallets:

Photo for the Article - Abra Now Lets You Have BTC and Php Wallets at the Same Time

What about Abra’s competition?

It is worth noting that competitors of Abra in the Philippines in the bitcoin wallet space – Coins and Bitbit – already support dual wallets.

Photo for the Article - Abra Now Lets You Have BTC and Php Wallets at the Same Time

Abra is a fintech company engaged in mobile payments built on the blockchain. Currently, it’s one of the ways to buy and sell bitcoins in the Philippines. It launched in the Philippines in 2016 and went global in early in 2017.